genus: PACHNODA Burmeister 1842
species: marginata Drury 1773
remark: beetle with the longest history in breedings with very easy reproduction
wild habitat: savannah species, found on Acacia ssp.
subspecies: nominate
origin: unknown, species occurs widely throughout all tropical Africa
origin2: Guinea
origin3: Sierra Leone, Grafton env., IV/2013
wild imago size: 20-27 mm
breeding difficulty: very easy
subspecies: peregrina Kolbe 1906
origin: unknown, species occurs widely throughout all tropical Africa
wild imago size: same as aforementioned
breeding difficulty: same as aforementioned
subspecies: aurantia Herbst 1790
origin: Guinea
origin2: Ivory Coast, Comoe - Kakpin XI/2018
wild imago size: same as aforementioned
breeding difficulty: usually easy, sometimes oviposition of captive bred imago may be problematic

> Pachnoda marginata (unknown origin) >> from Guinea >>> Pachnoda m. peregrina

> Pachnoda marginata aurantia (Guinea) >>,>>> Pachnoda marginata marginata (Sierra Leone)

> Pachnoda marginata aurantia - from Ivory Coast
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