species: fasciata (Fabricius, 1775)
remark: beautiful species with high colour variability
wild habitat: Acacia thorny shrubs, larvae were found in rotten wood of Prunus sp.
origin: Yemen, Sana'a, Haddah, 2413 m, XI/2003
wild imago size: around 20 mm
breeding difficulty: quite easy, sometimes prepupal diapause may extend the developement

Pachnoda fasciata
species: savigny Gory et Percheron, 1833
remark: -
wild habitat: Acacia thorny shrubs, species with extension up to Mediterranean area
origin: Egypt
wild imago size: 17-24 mm
breeding difficulty: medium, species often requires longer diapausis in cocoon stage

species: concolor Schürhoff, 1938
remark: -
wild habitat: west african savannah species, it was found cohabiting with P. vuilleti and P.ardoini (P.JUHEL pers.comm.)
origin: Burkina Fasso
origin2: Ivory Coast, Comoe - Kakpin XI/2018
wild imago size: 20-22 mm
breeding difficulty: unknown

Pachnoda concolor > Burkina Fasso, photo: P. JUHEL >>,>>> Ivory Coast
7th page