> Pachnoda aemula (unknown origin) >>,>>> Pachnoda aemula (Uganda)
species: mastrucata Gerstaecker, 1833
remark: supposed to be natural hybrid of sp.stehelini and sp. ephippiata
wild habitat: species found near high altitude forest edges
origin: Uganda, Mt. Elgon, near Kapchorwa, XI/2006
wild imago size: 19-25 mm
breeding difficulty: usually easy
species: stehelini Schaum, 1841
remark: the most common ethiopian cetoniinae species, my friend Daniel call them "cockroaches of Addis cetonid fauna"
wild habitat: Acacia woodland species
origin: Ethiopia, near Bedele, IV/2002 + V/2003
wild imago size: 17-24 mm
breeding difficulty: usually easy within first and second generation

Pachnoda mastrucata (Uganda)

> Pachnoda mastrucata, Pachnoda aemula - wild habitat (Uganda, Mt. Elgon) >>, >>> Pachnoda stehelini

Pachnoda stehelini (Ethiopia) + sexual dimorphism
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