species: miyakoensis Lewis 1879
origin: Japan, Miyakojima Island
wild imago size: 25-28 mm


species: speculifera Gory at Percheron 1833
origin: Hongkong
wild imago size: 24-27 mm


subgenus: EUPROTAETIA Mikšič 1963
species: nox Janson 1876
origin: Phillippines
wild imago size: 22-26mm

subgenus: HETEROPROTAETIA Miksic 1963
species: fusca Herbst 1790
origin: Indonesia
wild imago size: 15-20 mm
remark: for succesfull reproduction I had to feed larvae with lettuce

> Euprotaetia nox, >>,>>> Heteroprotaetia fusca

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