genus: DISCHISTA Burmeister, 1842
species: cincta (de Geer, 1778)
remark: I´ve never bred this species
wild habitat: common species of south african dry shrub savanna, larvae were found in cattle dung
origin: Namibia, photo: Charly Werner
origin2: South Africa, Eastern Cape, I/2017
wild imago size: 17-23 mm
breeding difficulty: Unknown. Attempts at captive breeding of this species have thus far been unsuccessful. Pupation and larvae feeding have been reported as the main problematic phases in captivity.

> Dischista cincta (in wild habitat, Namibia), >>,>>> from South Africa
species: rufa (de Geer,1778)
wild habitat: Widely distributed chafer in Southern Africa. Species was observed usually on Acacia spp. trees.
origin: South Africa, Eastern Cape, I/2015; I/2017
wild imago size: 22-28 mm
breeding difficulty: Very difficult species to breed in the captivity. Larvae developed fast after successfully being fed with substrate containing substantial part of cow dung which they are reported to feed on in the wild. Nevertheless nearly all of them died in rapid succession around early third instar from unknown reasons. Only one larva pupated and was raised to adult. Species is typical to undergo prepupal dormancy lasting over six months.
> Dischista rufa on Helichrysum sp., >>,>>> Dischista rufa (South Africa)
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