species: niveoguttata (Blanchard, 1850)
wild habitat: savannah species, found in southeastern Africa
origin: Tanzania, 40 km N from Songea, I/2011
wild imago size: 9-10 mm
breeding difficulty: unknown

Leucocelis niveoguttata >>> wild habitat (Tanzania)
species: werneri (Antoine, 2006)
wild habitat: sparse Acacia shrubland
origin: Ethiopia, near Sodo, V/2008
wild imago size: 10-12 mm
breeding difficulty: relatively easy, I´ve reproduced this species for at least 3 generations

subgenus: ACROTHYREA Kraatz,1882
species: rufofemorata (Burmeister, 1842)
wild habitat: Rare species. Adult beetles are typical flower visitors.
origin: South Africa, Eastern Cape, I/2015, KwaZulu-Natal I/2017
wild imago size: 12-14 mm
breeding difficulty: The species has been reproduced through rearing, however no oviposition of captive bred
generation was achieved

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