genus: MAUSOLEOPSIS Lansberge 1882
species: amabilis (Schaum,1844)
wild habitat: common species of all habitats in southern Africa
origin: Zambia, near Kazungula, 1/2005 leg. Malec Petr
origin2: Tanzania, Mikumi, I/2011
origin2: South Africa, Free State, XII/2016
wild imago size: 13-16 mm
breeding difficulty: easy to medium, low oviposition in breeding is characteristic for this species

Mausoleopsis amabilis (Zambia)

Mausoleopsis amabilis >,>> from Tanzania >>> South Africa

genus: SOMALIBIA Lansberge 1882
species: heydeni Preiss, 1902
wild habitat: tropical bush and thorn of Ethiopia and Somalia
origin: Ethiopia, Sof´Omar, IV/2003
wild imago size: 8-9 mm
breeding difficulty: unknown


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