genus: PSEUDOCLINTERIA Kraatz 1882
species: infuscata (Gory et Percheron, 1833)
remark: -
wild habitat: various habitats all over tropical Africa, common species
origin: Senegal
origin2: Tanzania, Rubeho Mt., 1/2011, leg. Petr Malec
wild imago size: 12-14 mm
breeding difficulty: unknown, I´ve never made wild adults lay eggs
species: cincticollis (Burmeister, 1847)
remark: -
wild habitat: various habitats all over tropical Africa, common species
origin: Zambia, Kafue, II/2005, leg. Petr Malec
wild imago size: 13-16 mm
breeding difficulty: medium, I bred one generation of this species, oviposition is the only, but significant trouble
genus: STETHODESMA Bainbridge 1840
species: stachiani Bainbridge 1840
subspecies: servillei White 1856
remark: the only species of this genera
wild habitat: various forestal habitats all over tropical Africa, common species
origin: Zambia, Kasanka NP, II/2005, leg. Petr Malec, ex larvae
wild imago size: 20-25 mm
breeding difficulty: medium, I´ve reproduced Stethodesma for 3 or 4 generations
genus: CLINTEROIDES Schoch 1898
species: permutans (Burmeister, 1842)
wild habitat: common savannah species of south and southeastern Africa, found on flowers and blossoming shrubs
origin: Tanzania, 40 km N from Songea, I/2011, leg. Petr Malec
wild imago size: 12-13 mm
breeding difficulty: unknown

Pseudoclinteria infuscata
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