Ethiopia 2003
My second trip to this country in april/may 2003. We have visited Awash NP and crossed over the Bale Mountains towards Sof´Omar caves. After that we made a circle through Sidamo province, Kafa to Illubabor and back to Addis. We have again seen many various kinds of creatures, also colecting was a bit more enjoyable as we hit the beginning of rains, especially in the first part of trip.

Photos : 1. Bale NP - beautiful sceneries with Lobelia flowers
2. When collecting we often stayed outside overnight
3. Awash waterfalls were, I would say, not clean enough even to wash my legs in :-)

Photos : 4. Some kind of bat was found under the bark...
5. ... and it cheerfully smiled to the camera
6. This poorr tortoise was probably sentenced to became a lunch for the family of these small kids.

Photos : 7. An ideal placement for light trap! However, here on Bale Mt. the temperature during night drop down to zero, so better take some nice spirit when travel there
8. Nice collecting near Sof`Omar caves
9. Real black african night
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