genus: COMPSOCEPHALUS White 1845
species: dmitriewi D´Olsufiew, 1902
origin: Ethiopia, Bedele prov. Illubador
wild imago size: females 27-34mm, males 26-51 mm
sexual dimorphism: males with "Y" shape horn on clypeus
note: Beautiful genus, breeding of larvae seems to be easy with 18-20°C temperature being an optimum.
Larvae do accept rather wooden mixture
Problematic phase is pupation as some populations may hibernate due to cold weather in its wild habitat.
According to the latest revision genera Brachymitra Kolbe,1904 and Stephanocrates Kolbe,1892 have been synonymized with genus Compsocephalus White,1845

species: kachowskii d´Olsoufieff, 1902
species: werneri Di Gennaro, Legrand & Nagai 2008
origin: Ethiopia, Kibre Mengist env.
wild imago size: females 24-33mm, males 26-45 mm

>> freshly hatched adults of Compsocephalus kachowski werneri (brownish green) and C.dmitriewi milishai (green)
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