genus: XELOMA Kraatz,1881
species: pilicollis Kraatz, 1892
subspecies: somalica Müller, 1941
remark: only one specimen was found
wild habitat: dry Acacia bush
origin: Ethiopia, Illubabor III/2002
wild imago size: 10-12 mm
species: maura (Boheman, 1860)
origin: South Africa, Eastern Cape I/2015; I/2017
remark: Species quite common within South Africa being associated with savannah biome. Two adult females emerged from the goat manure. Species commonly seen in dung middens.
wild imago size: 12-14 mm
breeding difficulty: easy to raise larvae to adults on substarte containing dung and soil, hard to make adults oviposit

> Xeloma pilicollis somalica (Ethiopia) >> Xeloma maura (South Africa)

Xeloma cf. maura
genus: TEPHRAEA Burmeister 1842
species: dichroa Schaum, 1844
wild habitat:common in all habitat of southern and southeastern Africa
origin: Zambia, near Mufumbwe, II/2005
origin2: South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal, I/2017
wild imago size: 12-15 mm
breeding difficulty: unknown, I´ve never bred this species
species: morosa Schaum, 1844
remark: only one specimen found cohabiting with sp. dichroa
wild habitat:common in all habitat of southern and southeastern Africa
origin: Zambia, near Mufumbwe, II/2005
wild imago size: 13-14 mm
breeding difficulty: unknown, I´ve never bred this species
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