genus: CENTRANTYX Fairmaire, 1884
species: nitidus Valck Lucassen, 1935
origin: Ethiopia, Bedele 4/2002; leg. Petr Malec, det. J.Ph. Legrand
species: obscuripes Valck Lucassen, 1935
origin: Ethiopia, Bale 4/2003; near Kibre Mengist 5/2008; Mizan Teferi, 4/2002; leg. Petr Malec, det. J.Ph. Legrand
species: rougeoti Ruter, 1978
origin: Ethiopia, near Kibre Mengist 5/2008; leg. et det. Petr Malec
to all species:
wild imago size: 22-24 mm
sexual dimorphism: males with abdominal groove on sternits
note: Interesting genus of predominantly ethiopian cetoniinae, few new species have recently been discovered.
Breeding is very difficult, especially for C. obscuripes and C.rougeoti. Larvae may grow up to third instar (in traditional substrate wood/leaflet mixture), but majority of them
will decease in this stage or until this stage. With C. nitidus I successfully breed until imago, but was more question of luck rather than understanding its breeding habits.

Centrantyx nitidus
Centrantyx rougeoti
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