Terrarium for keeping tropical beetles: Admeasurements should be equivalent to number and size of beetles, bigger are mostly better. Adequate substrate layer is more than 15cm and it is necessary to keep it quite moist, especially when adults are about to lay eggs. On the surface I put some stones and pieces of bark. Bark retain substrate humidity and give support to adults when turn on their backs.

"Cannibalism" of larvae? Widely spoken there is some kind of so called "cannibalism" among cetoniinae larvae, especially larvae with large mandibles when kept together may wound each other, that sometimes issues in decease so consequently organic matter of larvae body is consumed by others. Real predation is discussed in context of breeding Goliathus (and other species from Goliathina group) and in praxis we give these larvae various protein rich additives in order to breed them well. However this way of breeding is very complicated and involves a lot of breeder`s patience.

Sexing : Cetoniinae imago has widely evident sexual dimorphism, males often with developed horns (Eudicella, Mecynorrhina) or having a groove (or deeper channel) on abdomen (Pachnoda, Caelorrhina). Some species have at first glance similar sexes so we can earmark males by global pygidum shapes, tarsae length or thorns presence. These characteristics are described for each individual case (species) elsewhere. Larvae might by distinquished using magnifying glass by a small spot called "Haroldīs organ", which could be found on the last abdominal segment on ventral side (well visible on latest larvae instar). This small dot indicates male.

Sexing of Chelorrhina polyphemus

Murphy`s dealing law

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